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Research: Introduction to Camera Framing PowerPoint

 Greeting everyone,

   During media studies we have been learning about camera framing. Camera framing refers to how you place or position subjects and objects in shots, like composing an image. Camera framing is very important to filmmakers because it makes the shot more pleasing to view. This helps to keep the viewer's focus on the framed subjects or objects. When camera framing a shot you need to to consider the size, relationships, and balance. The type of camera framing shots we learned were single shot, two shot, three shot, four shot, crowd shot, point of view shot, over the shoulder shot, and insert shot. 

   For this assignment, we had to create a PowerPoint. We had to research information about each specific shot. Then we needed to find these types of shots from a movie. We had to analyze the importance of the shot it had in the film. The movie I chose to analyze single shot was a scene from smile. The single shot includes a women standing right in the middle all alone, with a sinister smile on her face. Her being alone in the frame emphasizes the tension in the air. It also emphasizes that something scary is about to happen.

   On this assignment I worked with one other person. Since there were four slides we decided to split it up equally. My partner did the title slide and the last slide. I did the other two. I learned many important things in this assignment. Not only did I learned the definition, but I learned that this concept is very importance in filmmaking. Camera framing is a very importance concept to learn because it helps to gain the attention of the audience. For me this concept will very helpful to know while I am working on my movie.
