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Research: Digital Camerawork Organizer: Camera Framing

 Hello everyone, 

   During Media Studies class, I have been learning about the importance of camera framing in camerawork. Camera framing refers to how you place and position subjects and objects in shots. This is more about composing an image rather than pointing the camera at the subject. Camera framing helps to convey the relationship of subjects to other objects. The different types of camera frames are one shot, two shot, three shot, four shot, crowd shot, over the shoulder shot, and insert shot. 

   For the third part of the assignment, we had to create a digital camerawork organizer focusing on camera framing. To create this digital camerawork organizer, we decided to use a word document. I had to include the definition and list two purposes for each camera frame. Then I went with my partner to take pictures of my shots. I then wrote the action line for each shot. I included the tone, genre, and central idea for each shot. 

   This assignment has taught me that camera framing is a necessary concept to learn for camerawork. Camera framing is so important in camerawork because it helps to establish the relationship between the subject to the other objects. For this assignment I worked with one other person, though I did work with others to include in some of my shots. This assignment was really helpful for planning who I am going to cast in my movie. This assignment helped to understand the importance that camera framing is going to have in my opening scene. 

Thank you for Reading! 
