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Research: Digital Camerawork Organizer: Camera Composition

 Hello everyone,

   Lately in Media Studies class, I have been learning about the importance of camera composition in camerawork. Camera composition in film is how all the elements works together and appear in a frame. Camera composition is used to advance a story. This can be done by revealing new characters, creating emotion, and keeping the audience engaged. Camera composition consists of the rule of thirds shot, symmetry shot, asymmetry shot, point shot, leading lines shot, shape shot, deep focus shot, and shallow focus shot. 

   For the last part of this assignment, we had to create a digital camerawork organizer that focuses on camera composition. To create this assignment, me and my partner decided to use a word document. For this assignment I had to state the definition and list two purposes for each shot. Then I had to take pictures for each different type of camera composition. I wrote the action line for each shot. I also included the tone, genre, and central idea for each type of camera composition. 

   In my opinion, learning the concept of camera composition is very important to understanding camerawork and filmmaking. Without camera composition there wouldn't be a perfect shot. What I mean by this is that camera composition helps to put all of the props, objects, and subjects in a specific spot to frame. This is done in a specific way to create visual codes for the audience, making their audience more engaged. Camera composition also helps to make the shots look more pleasing and satisfy to look at. 

Thank you for Reading!
