Hello everyone,
In media studies class we have been learning about camera composition. Camera composition refers to the way elements are arranged in a camera frame. Including props, setting, and actors. Camera composition is important in film because it helps to coney certain effects, emotions, and meanings. The camera compositions that we focused on in class were the rule of thirds shot, symmetry balance shot, asymmetry balance shot, point shot, leading lines, shape shots, deep focus, and shallow focus shot. All of these shots play a huge role in illustrating the meaning and mood of each scene.
For this part of the assignment, we had to create a storyboard while demonstrating our knowledge of camera composition in film. We had to draw pictures and include an action line for each scene. We had to make sure that each scene is somewhat related to our movie. Our movie was a horror movie that took place in a high school. We felt like we were able to incorporate this by using the rule of thirds shot as a shot to establish our setting, which is a high school. We also used the point shot as a way to get the perspective of our antagonist.
This assignment was very fun to do. Me and my partner distributed this assignment 50-50 by having me to do the drawings and her doing the action lines. I'm very glad that we decided to split it up this way because it shows that we already know our strengths and weaknesses, which would help us later on the road. I am glad that we had the chance to learn this concept because I find it as one of the most crucial things to learn in filmmaking. This is due to the fact that mise en scene is established through camera framing. If you mess up in camera framing, you wouldn't get the chance to capture the mise en scene. Taking away two crucial things in film. Now that I know about camera framing, I would make sure to apply this in my movie.
Thank you for Reading!
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